Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Official Practice as a Griffon

So, it's Alex's first practice. As we drive up north to St. Joe, Alex is telling me that he is a bit nervous to meet his new team members. I tell him that he has met most of them before and that they really like him! I ask him for the 10th time if he has everything he needs and he tells me that he does, AND that it's a little late now since we are half way there. (Good point...) So, we get to the rink and Alex is pulling his hockey bag out of the back of the car and I hear, "oh no! I forgot my cup!" (And, no, this isn't a cup for drinking out of in case you are wondering.) I give him the look and tell him that he better hope that no one shoots the puck his way tonight... We get inside and he realizes that his shorts that hold up his socks are in the back of the car. (What exactly did he check on when he was confirming that everything was in his bag is what I would like to know...) I head out to get them for him. He is finally dressed and ready to go. He stands with the team, talking to the coaches and waits for the Zamboni to finish cleaning up the ice and then he and the team get out there to begin practice. For all of the drills, times around the rink, and overall practice for the night, this photo best exemplifies Alex at practice Monday night...
Kidding! Actually, this was part of a drill they did. He had to lay down, and when the whistle blew, he had to jump up, skate to the center of the rink and get to the puck first to take it to the net. Alex did a great job! He needs to work on his speed getting up - he was getting a bit too comfortable laying down... but he was speedy skater once he got up. Way to go Alex!

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