Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 3: St. Joe Griffons vs. Stars 3

Griffons 5 - Stars 4
Stats: 2 Wins - 1 Loss
Heading up to St. Joe Saturday morning for the game was an interesting ride. Our pre-game routine on the drive in is to always rock out to Def Leppard - it's the best "get ready to take charge on the ice" music you could ever find! The plus side is that I am their biggest fan, so, really, it's a win-win for everyone! Alex and I have our favorite songs - Pour Some Sugar On Me, Foolin, Photograph, Rock of Ages, etc... (There really are just too many to mention...) We have the stereo turned up really loud and I am doing my typical singing at the top of my lungs. My boys have just learned to go with it...
Alex seemed a little bit out of sorts, so we turned down the music just enough that we could hear each other, and I asked him what was up? He seemed a bit quiet this morning. He told me that he was nervous to play this game since the Stars 3 were undefeated and had already scored 16 goals in just 2 games, and on top of that, hadn't let 1 goal scored on them yet. I told him that I could see where he might be a bit nervous, but that he and his team were very good and that they could just as easily go out there and show them how good the Griffons really are. Of course, Alex looked at me like I had no idea what I was talking about and just went back to rocking out to the music. It was another mother/son moment that clearly he will look back upon with fond memories... Once we got to the rink, Alex seemed to calm down and the team got ready to go. Who knew the excitement we were about to witness...

Once on the ice, the Griffons look really good. The game starts, and within 2 minutes, the Stars have scored. Oh, no I think. This is going to be a repeat of last week. 1 minute later, they score again. I am standing under the scorekeepers box since I am taking pictures, and I look around the rink and can see the concern on everyone's faces - everyone, except the boys on the ice. It is at this moment that the boys stop, look at each other, and without saying a word, come together as a team. It was actually a pretty amazing moment that I was glad I was able to witness. 3 minutes later, the Griffons had scored a goal - the first goal scored on the Stars 3 team this season! So, at this point, it didnt' really matter what happened, because we would be the team that got the puck in the net on them first. Little did I know, that was the beginning... Shortly after that, we scored again! We were on our way!

Alex Taking Charge of the Puck

Alex had a GREAT game! He was on the ball (or puck as it would seem) every time he was on the ice! He and the other defensemen did a great job of passing the puck, knowing where to put the puck, and just generally being right were they needed to be throughout the entire game. The team looked awesome!

Sending the puck to another team member
It was fun to watch because as the Griffons really came together as a team, you could see the Stars 3 team start to come apart. They had been used to dominating on the ice, and it was clear that our boys were showing them that their time was up...

How many Stars 3 players does it take to get the puck away from a Griffon?
By 3rd period, the score was tied, 3 to 3. We score and are now winning the game! This is awesome! It lasted for a total of 50 seconds, because they come back and score, so now it is tied 4-4. We have less than a minute left in the game and all we have to do is keep them away from our net so they can't score! We will take a tie against this team! (That is what all the parents are thinking!) But... that isn't what the Griffons are thinking. OH NO! We have less than a minute left - we can win this game!

Block the puck any way you can!
With less than 8 seconds left in the game, we come back and score another goal - it's now 5-4! The crowd is seriously going wild! I have stopped taking pictures because I am cheering and yelling too much to hold my camera! (I later realize this isn't the smartest thing I could have been doing as I then won't have any pictures of the winning moment... Consider this a lesson learned...)
But, as we all hold our breath for the LONGEST 8 SECONDS OF OUR LIVES...
We watch our boys play the best game of their season and beat the number 1 team and show them that the Mighty Griffons are a team to be reckoned with...

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