Sunday, January 2, 2011

KC Scouts vs. KC Saints Select Friendly Game - Happy New Years!

KC Scouts 4 - Saints 5

I hope everyone had a wonderful and fun New Years! We spent our New Years eve at the Independence Event's Center watching the Missouri Mavericks play - yes, you guessed it - HOCKEY! HA HA HA! Why only limit yourself to 3 games in a weekend when you can also go to a semi-professional game too? Sadly, the number 1 randed Mavericks ended up losing the game, but it was still a great time. Alex had a ball and got to see a fight that left blood on the ice - now that is some down home hockey!

Lucky for us, we were home before midnight because we had to be up pretty early to be be ready to take the ice for another hockey game New Years day. We were back at Link Creek to take on the Saints for a 2nd time in this friendly tournament. Both teams were ready to get on the ice and take control of the puck!

Alex played forward for this game and did a great job!
Alex takes the break away down the ice
The Saints have a strong team, but so do we! They played their strongest players in this game because they saw the kind of team we are in yesterday's game. They wanted to be ready for a blow out today. That isn't what they got...

We will take that puck!

Face to Face - who's gonna get it?
I was able to stand in the Penalty Box to take pictures, so I could see the faces of the Saints coaches who were a bit shocked at the number of goals our team was making against them. They weren't ready for our team to come out and control the puck the way we did!

Alex takes the puck again...
What ended up getting us in the end was simply time - their team got up 1 goal at the end of the 3rd period, and we simply ran out of time to make the goal back. But, it wasn't because the boys weren't trying! They did an amazing job!

After the game, I heard a number of parents talking about how impressed they were with our team - it kind of makes a mom proud...

We have 1 more game this weekend - so until then, stay out of the penalty box!

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