Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where did we go?
It's been a LONG LONG time since I have been back here to my blog on Pucks and Penalties. In all of craziness that is travel hockey, I never seemed to get here to share pictures and fun stories from our season! Well that is about to change!
We are back!!!!!

Hockey is still our number one sport - we are thick into the Stanley Cup Playoffs right now! We leave for a travel tournament in a couple of weeks as wel. Along with this, I have taken up the challenge of a picture a day for a year! I am on Day 20, and so far, it's been really fun! I will be posting those pictures out here as well as other photographic activities that will be taking place in the coming months. I've got some pretty fun things lining up, so watch out! And, there will always be the hockey pictures...

In the spirit of catching up, here are some of my favorite pictures from my picture a day adventure so far...

I am excited to start sharing my adventures with you !
Have fun and always remember -
Stay out of the penalty box!

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